View/Print PRD Airman Record (PAR)

At the moment consent is granted, the data viewed in the web pages are collected into a single static PDF file known as the PRD Airman Record or PAR. The PAR stores the data at that moment in time–it is a “frozen snapshot.” Any new or revised data received after consent is granted will not be displayed in the PAR. There is only one active consent permitted for an air carrier; if the PAR needs to be updated, revoke the existing consent and grant a new consent. You may need to contact the air carrier and advise them a new consent has been granted so that they can view the most recent data. The PAR is available to the air carrier at the same moment the PAR is viewable by you, the pilot.

You use the “View/Print PAR” link displayed in the top-right of all Pilot experience pages to view and/or print your complete PRD Airman Record (PAR). This link is not displayed on the Log or Notifications pages nor is it active if any of the PRD-related services are off line.

To view and/or print your PAR, click View/Print PAR and follow the browsers prompts to open, save, view and/or print the PAR.

PAR Details

  1. The first page(s) of the report is the declaration cover page. This page contains general information such as data restrictions, data source, a confidentiality warning and notices.
  2. At the top of each page of the PAR, in the header section, the following notice displays: "All data in this PRD report is current as of MM/DD/YY." The date represents the date you granted consent to view your PAR, which is also the date the PAR was generated.
  3. At the bottom of each page of the PAR, in the footer section, is the following notice: "The data contained in this PRD record must be used solely for hiring decisions and must not be copied or distributed except in accordance with Public Law 111-216."
  4. The bottom of each page of the PAR, in the footer section, also contains the following information: your full name, your certification number, Page # of # (current page number of total number of pages), and the date and time of the PAR was printed (i.e., system date and time stamp).
  5. The various sections of the PAR will display boiler plate notices applicable for the data presented in that section. These messages are configurable by the FAA PRD Application Administrator and therefore may change periodically.
  6. The end of the PAR will display the notice "END OF RECORD."

PAR Sections

The PAR is broken into the following sections: